
Welcome to Carr Communications

Your complete communications company


We now have electronic billing available through email for our customers who do not want to receive a paper bill in the mail.

[su_button url=”https://site.carrinter.net/electronic-billing-registration/” background=”#1e73be” size=”5″ center=”yes”]REGISTER FOR EMAIL BILLING[/su_button]




High-speed DSL services are available starting at just $36.99, for Carr Telephone customers.


With expanded local calling, long distance service for only $0.15 cents a minute, and custom line features like caller ID and call waiting, why would you want anything else.

Digital Cable TV

Digital Cable TV that is brought to you over your existing phone line. Starting at just $44.99 a month with three great packages to choose from. Visit our Digital Cable link for more information about our offer that includes free installation.

HD – High Definition Available

Over 40 popular channels are now offered in HD. To experience a vibrant clear picture get HD today!  See the Digital Cable link to the left or call us for more information.

DVR’s – Digital Video Recorder’s

Record your favorite programs for later viewing.  DVR equipment is available for a $10 monthly leasing fee.